Guest Post

Guest post site: Thank you for taking so much interest in guest posting on the website. Meena Boutique is read by fashionistas around the world. Meana Boutique Website can help you to grow your business and increase your website rank.
Below are some guidelines, if you agree then submit your details.

Guest Post Sites Guidelines

  1. We only accept in-depth, unique, and hand-typed content that is written specifically for the Meena Boutique blog audience. Any type of copied material will not be accepted.
  2. The minimum word limit for guest posting is 1500 words.
  3. Only guest posts related to our website are acceptable.
  4. The author must give appropriate credit to the data, quotes, images, and external material referenced in the article.
  5. We accept permission for you to submit referral links between posts. Only 1 website link is allowed in the content.
  6. We require 2 relevant images (900px wide) per post. These must be royalty-free images and not copied from Google Images.

Paid Guest post sites

Here we have three websites, on them, we will charge you according to the domain authority of the guest post website.

1. The domain of the website is medium, hence the price of Guestpost will be different.

2. This is a tourist website and we will accept guest posts on it. Therefore the price of Guestrpost will be different.

3. The domain authority of the news website is low, its guest post charge will be different. You can take do-follow backlinks on these three websites.

If your website's domain authority is equal to our domain, we can exchange links with you. Backlinks can be exchanged according to the site’s category.

Guest post price:

Meena boutique Guest post price25$
Katiyar SisterGuest post price15$
Aaj ki Taaja khabrenGuest post price10$
Backlinks on all 3 sitesguest post site price50$
We can change this charge anytime, it is our fundamental right.

How does guest posting work

Increased exposure and credibility: Guest writers can reach new audiences and establish themselves as experts in their field.
Backlinks: Authors often include links to their own websites or content, which can improve their site’s search engine rankings.
Networking: Building relationships with other bloggers and industry professionals is a valuable aspect of guest posting.
Diversification of content: Hosting sites benefit from diverse viewpoints and content, keeping their readers engaged.

Guest Post Sites Terms and Conditions

  • Submit only original content that has not been published elsewhere. We do not accept plagiarized or reused articles.
  • Make sure your post is in line with the topics and subjects covered on [].
  • We focus on [fashion, Tourism, and news], so make sure your content is relevant to our audience.
  • Our team will make the final decision on the guest post. If content does not conform to the guidelines, we may reject it without notice.
  • The Meena Boutique team reserves the right to edit and adapt your guest post content as we see fit, and continue to update it for accuracy in the future.
  • We are very busy, so the article we receive must be well written. We cannot spend hours editing articles.
  • AI-generated guest posts will not be accepted.
  • We do not accept affiliate links.
  • Use short paragraphs, bullet points, and subheadings to increase readability.
  • Include relevant pictures, charts, or graphs to support your content.

Before you contact us

  • Please research our site before submitting your articles.
  • Study the topic of our blog.
  • Try to understand the writing style and topics covered.
  • Provide at least 3 article ideas.
  • If you agree to the above guidelines and conditions, Submit your guest post in the form below

Frequently asked questions

Are you offering content writing services?

Ans. no

Do you have B2B Guest Posting Websites?

Ans . Yes, we have some website where you can write b2b guest post as mentioned in the above post

How Will Guest Posting Create My Authority?

Ans . Guest posting increases your website’s domain authority, making it easier to rank your website in Google

What is the Typical Length of the Guest Posts that You Get Published?

Ans . Minimum 1000 words is required to write guest post on our website, you can write any number more than that

Guest Blogging the Only Way to Secure Backlinks?

Ans. Yes, this is a very good method, with this you can create backlinks for your website and get your website ranked

If you have any questions about guest posting, you can contact us via Google Form or Contact Us